The Peloponnese is Best Destination in Europe 2016

Is Peloponnese best destination in Europe for 2016? Lonely Planet certainly think so! And for us, a Peloponnese motorcycle tour makes for an all time classic road trip.

Let’ see: It combines everything a travelling motorcyclist looks for. On one hand you get scenic roads, traversing mountain passes, crossing valleys, riding through lush forests, next to rivers, or alongside beautiful coastal routes. The only thing that will stop your riding is your endurance.

And on the other hand, every time you get off the saddle you get to choose among dozens of things to do, to see, places to visit, ways to spend your off-riding time. Take your pick: the birthplace of the Olympic games is here, where you can actually stand on the stadium where athletes competed 2 millennia ago. The masterpiece of architecture, theatre of Epidavrus will impress will the perfect acoustics. The cyclopean walls of Mycanae (the kingdom of Agamemnon who led the war against Troy in Homer’s Iliad). What about the temple of  Apollo in Vasae? Or Nemea, or the spectacular citadel of Acrocorinth?

Your travel in time continues to other eras as you have the chance to visit Byzantine castles and cities of kings. And nature will not let you down. A diversified landscape includes protected bio-reserves, lagoons, forests, alpine regions and arid rugged mountains. The points of interest are too many to list them here and too many to be included in one tour.

Add to all the above the unparalleled culinary delights of the Greek cuisine and crystal clear beaches for your relaxation, and there you have it. A perfect destination. And Lonely Planet agrees! They recently awarded the Peloponnese as the Top of the Best destinations in Europe for 2016! You can find their article here, as well as one more article suggesting a road trip in the same region. Also a short video can be found in LP’s YouTube.

Convinced? Have a look at our suggestions for a Peloponnese motorcycle tour:

4-days trip to the Peloponnese

6-days trip of the Peloponnese

8-days trip, complete Peloponnese

Or, you can always ask for your customized tour!